It's just about time for me to start my seeds. (Actually, I should have started my mom's impatiens seeds last week, but the Zen boys have been keeping me otherwise occupied) Until last year, I started my seeds in the basement. Since we've re-purposed the basement into a television, gaming, general recreation area for the Zen boys, a sewing crafting area for Zen mom, and a billiards table for Zen dad, I've lost my seeds starting area. I had these very large tables that my dad made when I was a kid - I think it was for my brother's 8th grade graduation party... and spread my seed starting trays in the vast expanse of our basement.
No more vast expanse. So what to do?
I wanted to include my grow lights, still be able to start lots of trays, and not spend a lot of money. What to do...
Browsing through my basement storage, I re-discovered a few tables that weren't being used for anything important. The little wheels in my head starting squeaking... and I came up with my new system!
As of now, I have not spent one dime on this new system as I had the tables, the grow lights, hooks and power strip. I used cup hooks on the bottom of the tables, stacked the tables as shown, and hooked on the grow lights. I figure I can have 8 flats if I leave it as it is... but if I purchase 1 new grow light (the hardware store has the lights for 8 dollars and the lights for 5 dollars), I can hang another light from the ceiling and have 12 flats!!
I checked out the prices for these manufactured growing light stands on-line, and they run anywhere from 200 to 300 dollars!! Mr. Zen was so glad to hear I have saved us two hundred and eighty seven dollars!! (300 minus 13 dollars for a new light)
Gotta get those impatiens started!!!