Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Non-Toxic Ant Poison

We have Ants!
About 5 years ago, we discovered an ant infestation in our home. I tried lots of remedies, to no avail. I found the spot where they were entering our home, and I doused it with red pepper, vinegar, cinnamon, baking powder, you name it. The only thing accomplished was a spiced house, the ants trudged right through.
We eventually called an exterminator, but I wasn't happy. We had children and pets to worry about, so the thought of insecticides in and around our home made me very uneasy.
We have another infestation. I am determined not to use the dreaded exterminator. I can't find their entrance point, but I have determined what is luring them inside our home. I first discovered them enjoying a donut that I left on the counter for my son. Next, I found them feasting on pancakes.
They are foraging for fat, sugar, and carbohydrates. They didn't touch the store bought ant traps, so I had to think smart.
I made my own concoction. After thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting the kitchen and other areas they have been spotted, such as near the dogs' food bowls, I set out my traps. Here is the recipe:
1/2 cup lard (or other hard vegetable oil)
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup flour
1/3 cup borax
Mix the ingredients together until well incorporated. Place chunks of this paste on jar lids or other small flat surfaces that are OK to be discarded. I used a flat pint jar liner that is damaged and can't be used for canning. Place in areas where ants have been noticed.
Store any extra in airtight containers properly labeled in the fridge, or if you have little ones (or husbands that don't read) that might nibble it... throw the extra away. Make more if you need to, it's not very expensive. It might take a day or two for the ants to discover the poison treats, but once they do.... Bwah, ha, ha!
Borax is toxic to ants, but not to humans or dogs. I wouldn't leave the poison where it can be easily consumed by small critters, it will make them sick, just like any soap product would. The ants eat the borax and take it back to the nest to share with their fellow ants. The borax makes a gas in their entrails, they have no way to relieve this gas. We do, and so do our dogs. Sit next to one of our dogs after dinner... you'll know it's true. But the ants can't, so they explode. If they bring enough borax back to their home, no more ants.
You can see in the picture how much the ants love this recipe. I'll post again soon to update the ant project.